
  • 冒险 穿越
  • 布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德 山姆·洛克威尔 亨利·卡维尔 塞缪尔·杰克逊 布莱恩·克兰斯顿 凯瑟琳·欧哈拉 奇普 阿丽亚娜·德博斯
  • "你以为那只安静可爱的猫咪阿飞就是艾莉康威生活中唯…"你以为那只安静可爱的猫咪阿飞就是艾莉康威生活中唯一的伴侣?其实,她还有另一个真正引领她冒险的伙伴——笔下虚构的特工阿盖尔。身为畅销谍战小说作家的艾莉,在平静寡淡的生活中,默默描绘着阿盖尔精彩非凡的冒险经历,却没想到独白情节竟然与现实特工组织的行动如此珞剌。   当职业杀手对她的追杀开始倾巢而出,艾莉不得不离开舒适的居家,携带着阿盖尔造访各个国家,展开一场诡谲惊险的逃亡游戏。在艾登(山姆·洛克威尔 饰)这位对猫咪过敏却又心系艾莉安全的特工伴游下,艾莉深陷于笔下虚构世界与现实之间错综复杂、难以分辨的边缘。   导演马修·沃恩将带领观众进入一个充满冒险、悬疑、惊喜的电影世界,在亨利·卡维尔、布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德、布莱恩·科兰斯顿等群星演技加持下,穿越多国深入敌后行动,共同揭开阿盖尔背后的秘密。从笔下走入现实的艾莉将挑战自我,解开阿盖尔隐藏在层层迷雾中的真相,同时也会和观众一起感受到:对抗邪恶势力的能量错落有情致!" "The quiet and adorable cat, Aifei, is not the only companion in Ali Conway's life. In fact, there is another figure that leads her on daring adventures – the fictional secret agent Agar. As a best-selling spy novel author, Ali paints Agar's extraordinary adventures in her peaceful and solitary life, but little did she know that her fictional plots would align with the actions of a real-life covert organization." "As professional assassins launch a relentless chase after her, Ali is forced to leave the comfort of her home and travel to different countries with Agar by her side, embarking on a thrilling and deceptive game of escape. With the help of Aiden (Sam Rockwell), an agent who is allergic to cats but cares deeply for Ali's safety, she finds herself trapped in a complex web where the lines between fiction and reality become increasingly blurred." "Director Matthew Vaughn invites viewers into a movie world full of adventure, mystery, and surprises, with the stellar performances of Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard, Bryan Cranston, and others taking us on a journey through multiple countries and deep into enemy territory to uncover Agar's hidden secrets. As Ali steps out of her fictional world and into reality, she will not only challenge herself but also unravel the truth behind Agar hidden in layers of mystery, leaving audiences captivated by the power of standing against evil forces and the allure of a new romance."



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